Thursday, March 30, 2017


I guess they will be redoing our tennis courts Again
What about a new playground.

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Jason Southard Did something happen?
Michelle Maddox Renn They did fix it up and do maintenance on it a couple of years ago.
LikeReply1April 20 at 4:45am
Teri Williams I thought they just resurfaced the tennis courts.
LikeReply2April 20 at 5:02am
Michelle Maddox Renn Oh, I was referring to the playground in my earlier post.
Meagan Soucy A better playground makes sense!...
LikeReply3April 20 at 7:39am
Amanda Fleming Additional security cameras around the basketball court would be a good use of funds.
LikeReply1April 20 at 7:55am
Линдсей Шылваж Basket ball courts should be taken down completely. They are the number one amenity that attracts crime so NO one in housing builds them anymore unless they are indoor sports courts with pass access. We've had problems for years with kids coming all the way from ridge road to start trouble at that little
Davey Crockett In case you didn’t get it here is today’s incoming email from the property management firm - it seems a long time to have to wait for the courts to be redone. I don’t use them so I really don’t care, but it seems a long wait for this.

“Holly Mill Tennis court will be closed for renovations

Dear homeowners,

The association is having the tennis courts rebuilt starting this weekend and tennis courts will under constructions for approximately 8 weeks. the tennis courts should reopen by Mid June 2017" 

(other info and photos at:

Trish Monahan Julie- Can you shed some light on this? What was wrong with them to need to be redone? Weren't they done a few years ago?
Линдсей Шылваж I would find out the relationship between the vendor and pm company lol........
Линдсей Шылваж We need to stop this, there is no valid reason to redo these courts.
Jason Southard I just saw the email
Линдсей Шылваж Also what company did them the last time!!??????? And what date.
Amanda Fleming I am curious as well. 
Julie Finke Holubetz since you are on the board can you answer these questions? Why is our money being spent on a renovation that was just completed a few years ago? 
What happened to the new playground project plans you showed me?
Davey Crockett Does DPM also own or have a slice of whichever firm does the work? Will DPM profit from hiring the firm? Time to put the management contact out for bids from other property management firms. I looked them up online some months ago and they have lots of complaints.
Davey Crockett Just in reference to the site linked above. I did some research on that site and found that 9 glowing reviews of some years ago were all put up on ONE day and those posters never posted again, just one shot posts. Clearly DPM put up 9 phoney reviews then, another date were 2 VERY glowing reviews. Now I see that the BOD members are coming on the site to say how they like DPM. I had several of my initial posts removed and only when I complained to the site did the one I posted about the fence issue end up on the site. Do your own research, watch out for shill posts from DPM. 
Trish Monahan We've had several issues with DPM especially getting letters upon letters of misc things. Once a letter about Christmas lights in Feb. We never even put up lights that year. Another was regarding pressure washing needing to be done, and also weeds. We received one about our trash cans being out a day AFTER trash day. We are very meticulous about the appearance of our home. NONE of these letters should have been sent. After several emails, pictures sent of other homes in constant violations with nothing being done, I went to Julie. She was very understanding and sees our house daily. She went to DPM regarding this issue and we have not received another "violation" letter. since. It was nice to be supported after a year of fighting with the management company. Come to find out, they had our house number mixed up with another home. I witnessed someone in a DPM truck speeding through HMV Dr as I was backing out of my driveway. I agree something needs to be done with DPM.
Davey Crockett I stopped off at the Tennis Court and spoke with 2 experienced players about the court.

They were satisfied with the 2 courts.
...See More

Haylee Wells My husband frequently plays on our neighborhood courts with another homeowner in the neighborhood and they have both said that the cracks do not interfere with their play and that the courts could DEFINITELY WAIT a little while longer before a resurfacing is really needed. Also, they both were quite frustrated with the timing that was chosen for the resurfacing to be completed. We finally have beautiful 70-80 degree days that are great for playing but now the courts will be closed all the way thru until the temps are consistently in the 90s and not as pleasant for playing.  Booo!
Davey Crockett So far it seems we have:

1) Bad timing for replacing the courts,

2) Probably could wait another year at least,

3) Courts not in bad shape despite several patches,

Now we need to know:

1) Who decided the courts had to be replaced?

2) How many firms were approached to bid on the job?

3) How much will this cost and what exactly is being done?

4) Is Douglas Property Management really the management firm we want here? 

5) Is it time to ask for bids from other management firms to see what proposals they can put in and the cost to use them?  

LikeReply1April 20 at 2:39pm
Линдсей Шылваж I've been in PM for 10 years so this is all very interesting......
Amanda Fleming seems like a job that can be completed In The next fiscal year.
Julie Finke Holubetz We keep spending money of sealing cracks on the courts. We have plenty of money on our reserve account so the board voted on having the courts replaced. There has to been something going on under the courts causing so many cracks..If you look at the parking lot in front of courts you will see it is crumbling. We also had that patched twice in the last year. We are not going to keep putting band aids on items that need to be fixed. Please email the board at board@holly-mill with your concerns. Please do not use the email addresses that Davey Crockett, Tim Harvey or Bill Harris has posted on this and other sites. He has posted incorrect info. Thank you.
LikeReply11 hr
Trish Monahan Thank you for responding Julie! Sometimes it just takes more communication and transparency.
LikeReply11 hr
Amanda Fleming Julie what happened to the playground plans?
LikeReply1 hr
Julie Finke Holubetz Three board members voted no for a new playground. I am not giving up, we have two new members this year so I am going to try again!
LikeReply21 hr
Amanda Fleming Shall we pass around a petition? 
Security cameras and lighting on the basketball court would be a great addition for safety and deterrents also!
LikeReply11 hr
Julie Finke Holubetz We just installed all new cameras. Two on the courts and one on the basketball court, plus replace existing ones at pool and pavilion.
LikeReply1 hr
Davey Crockett "If you look at the parking lot in front of courts you will see it is crumbling. " (see photo)
LikeReply45 mins
Davey Crockett "Please email the board at board@holly-mill with your concerns", yeah sure, I emailed that address and never got a reply. Sent a copy of the email via snail mail to DPM and that got ignored also. Sent a complaint to the BBB and THAT got a reply.
LikeReply42 mins
Davey Crockett New camera. Same position where the 'old' one recorded the 2 vandals in Dec 2016.
LikeReply37 mins
Whole Foods has opened a few stores, closed a few stores and put off indefinitely plans for many other stores due to serious financial issues.
The Kennesaw Marketplace Mall (ie: Fuqua, Inc) had listed Whole Foods as an anchor tenant for at least 2 years.
It has been questionable recently if the WF difficulties were going to impact their move to Kennesaw. Inquiries to their Southern Region resulted in generalized boilerplate replies but no definitive comments.
It has been reported that their Marietta location was to be closed and moved to the Kennesaw location. (Cobb Harry's, 70 Powers Ferry Rd SE, Marietta, GA 30067).
As of today the cat may be finally out of the bag, or at least it has a couple of paws out of the bag. WF is now quietly announcing that it will open that location ‘in the Fall of 2017'. Inquires on the site indicate that the opening will be in October 2017.
Considerable work is required on the interior. For reasons still to be determined the shell of the building went up before the electrical and plumbing work was put in and this has resulted in considerable trenching being done to run lines.
Normal construction protocol is that this is done first, then the concrete flooring is put in and last the building shell is put in place.
With this location the cart is before the horse and inquiries do not reveal a reason for this, except to acknowledge that this is not standard procedure for such construction.
No comment was available on why this is being done backwards.
So perhaps in October there will be a Whole Foods up and running.
Additional Info on WF and Marketplace Mall is at:


HOLLY MILL SUBDIVISION: 244 members - 5/5/17

(Note: There are 663 homes, this list is nowhere near complete, the information is available on the Cherokee County Tax Assessor's site at:
Name Address =====================================
Adams, Jesse & Lisa 326 Westminster Drive Alas, Manuel 206 Osmanthus Way Allen, Julie (BOD) 209 Osmanthus Way Ames, Donna P.O. Box 251 Ames, Donna and Steve 450 Sutallee Woods Trail Anderson, Tiffany 518 Kennsington Park Dr Andrews, Ashley 506 Sautee Place Andriano, Ann & Frank 102 Drury Lane, 30114 Arthur, Richard & Karen 517 Sautee Place Ayala, Jose 337 Meadows Lane Bailey, Rhianna 192 Ilex Dr Bailey, Autumn 309 Kaley Drive Baird, Heather & John Baird IV 208 Osmanthus Way Baird, Heather & John 208 Osmanthus Way Barbosa, Diego & Yazmin Tarazona 501 Red Oak Ln Barbree, Steve 122 Nacoochee Way Barnett, Matthew 262 Oconee Way Bauer, Susan & Peter 155 Holly Mill Village Drive Bayless, Alaine 105 Drury Lane Beckmann, Ty & Amanda Beckmann 183 Holly Mill Village Dr Bembas, Carrie & Tom 201 Wild Flower Ln Bilyy, Ihor & Nataliya Bila 304 Meadows Ln Braasch, Steven & Stephanie Braasch 190 Ilex Drive Brack, Jacob Douglas Property Managment Brannon, Candiace & Robert 410 Sureyya Dr Brooks, Barry & Alycia 412 Sureyya Drive Brookshire, Sarah & Dustin 807 Yonah Dr Brown, Ellen 120 Ilex Dr Bryan, Brittany & Ronald Stokes 107 Holly Mill Village Dr. Bush, Michael & Britni 340 Meadows Lane Canipe, Marc 219 Oconee Way Carr, Karen 179 Holly Mill Village Drive Caso, Chris & Jennifer 526 Kensington Park Drive Cato, Natasha 117 Nacoochee Way Chanthaboury, Amy & Chinda 603 Red Oak Court Chetvertnikh , Jessi & Max Chetvertnikh 312 Westminster Dr Chiosie, Sheri 108 Nacoochee Way Ciulla, Michael & Sara 328 Westminster Dr. Cochran, TJ & Matthew Blinn 225 Osmanthus Way Cochran, Jarrod & Erin 217 Oconee Way Colley, Clint & Elizabeth (BOD) 237 Osmanthus Way Copeland, Christine & Aaron 131 Ilex Drive Cornelius, Anthony and Tamesha 229 Oconee way Cotter, Sarah & Jack 603 Red Oak Ct Cottrell, Kelly 211 Osmanthus way Crisante, Alanna 336 Meadows Lane Dampier, Jason & natasha 500 Kensington Park Drive Day, Jason Day 310 Pieris Drive Dean, Denise & Eric Juergens 181 Nacoochee Way DeanFossett, Grace 504 Red Oak Lane Dees, Amber & Shaun, 134 Drury Lane Deremer, Chelsey & Jesse Owens, 125 Nacoochee Way Dillon, William & Cassie, 309 Westminster Drive Doyle, Matthew, 124 Holly Mill Village Drive Dudley, Kelly 513 Kensington Park Dr Ebdon, Kyle & Brandon Hallmark 318 Westminster drive Edd, Jennifer & Patrick 197 Nacoochee Way Ehret, Adam & Carmen 206 Picadilly PL Eisele, Nicholas & Molly 101 Holly Mill Village Drive Eley, Shannon & Jonathan 224 Wild FLower Lane Ellis, Brad & Sharon 603 Kensington Park Ct Farmer, Kim & Terry 328 Meadows Lane Farnsworth, Pat & Dean Willey 111 Nacoochee Way Faverey, Jo-Ann & Jaime Ortiz 202 Wild Flower Lane Fernandez, Milagros 208 Piccadilly Place Canton Ga 30114 Fields, Susan 136 Ilex Drive Figueroa, Jesus & Lisa Collette 170 Ilex Drive Flink, David & Lori 337 Westminster Drive Forrester, Mary 305 Westminster Drive Forrester, Marianne 305 Westminster Drive Foster, Connie & Kimberly Ridley 112 Ilex Drive Fountain, Megan & Troy 316 Pieris Drive Fox, Rochelle 809 Yonah Drive Garcia, Osniel & Maelin Chirino 354 Meadows Ln Gebczyk, Jennifer 347 Meadows Ln. Golden, Amy 242 Occonee Way Gonzalez-Alvarez, Mayra & Joshua Miller 316 Westminster Dr. Gramling, Vickie & Wes 307 Meadows Lane Hammar, Terri 103 Holly Mill Village Dr Hanson, Billy & Olha 306 Pieris Drive Happe, Joe & Jennifer 255 Osmanthus way Harris, Sandra 512 Sautee Place Hearn, Larry & Tregony 315 Westminster Dr Heath, Rebecca & Justin Tritt 139 Ilex Drive Heisch, Tanya 513 Sautee Place Helley, Kim & Brian 339 Meadows Lane Hembree, Cliff 232 Occonee Way Henley, Katie & Jeff 151 Holly Mill Village Drive Henley, Elizabeth 105 Ilex Drive Hill Hendin, Marie & Nate Hendin 200 Piccadilly Place Holcombe, Amber & Garrett 509 Kensington Park Drive Holland, David 172 Ilex Drive Holubetz, Julie (B) (D) 169 Holly Mill Village Drive Hudson, Susan & Tara 119 Holly Mill Village Dr Hunt, Elmira 196 Ilex Drive Huth, Christa 323 Westminister Drive Ibarra, Jennifer 303 Pieris Dr Jazdzewski-Lovett, Jodi & Calvin Lovett 152 Holly Mill Village Drive Jenkins, Jason 178 Ilex Dr Jernigan, Chris & Sherry Jernigan 100 Holly Mill Village Dr Johnson, Kenny & Nikki Lee 354 Meadows Lane Johnston, Nathan 184 Ilex Drive Jones, Andy & Christina 100 Holly Mill Village Drive Jones, Stephanie 333 Westminster Drive Jones, George 313 Westminster Drive Jones, Mary 110 Ilex Canton, Ga 30114 Justice, Holly & Andre Krasnopeyev 124 Ilex Drive Kamau, Ezekiel 153 Ilex Dr Keith, Elizabeth & Kirby 159 Nacoochee Way Kemp, Uel & Laura 110 Drury Ln Kennedy, Christian & Karen 243 Osmanthus Way Kevehazi, Maria 405 Sugar Maple Court Lancaster, Tracy 177 nacoochee way Lanyon, Gloria 116 Ilex Drive Lassiter, Chris 347 Westminister Dr. Lawson, Katie & Aaron Hodges 102 Trafalgar Ct Levy, Ben 188 Ilex Drive Lewis, Mark 341 Westminster Dr Ligon, Jeanne 213 Osmanthus Way Lindsey, Ardyth 157 Holly Mill Village Drive Linton, Danny & Marilyn 126 Ilex Drive Loozen, Maria & Katrina Gibson 412 Sureyya Dr Lumpkin, Richard & Antoinette 540 Kensington Park Dr Marines, Salvador & Ana Maria Badillo 210 Oconee Way Marsan, Erik & Kristy 339 Westminster Martinez, Paula 820 Yonah Drive Marts, Lisa & Glen 223 Wild Flower Lane Mathews, Kristi & David 105 Nacoochee Way Mawdsley, Kevin & Mary Quigley-Solano 209 Occonee Way 
McCulley, Tom & Pat 116 Drury Lane Mclean, James & Amanda Mclean 335 Westminster Dr Meadows, Wesley & Jennifer 202 Picadilly Pl Medina, Diana 107 IIex Drive Mello, Nathan & Bobbie Poole 156 Nacoochee Way Messerschmidt, Chad & Callie 111 Drury Lane Mica, Chris 217 Osmanthus Way Miller, Cindy 704 Windsor Ct Miller, Kyle & Carla Shelton 101 Drury Lane canton ga 30114 Miller, Rose & Dee Rich 238 Occonee way Mitchell, Travis 414 Sugar Maple Court Monahan, Trish & Stephen 142 Holly Mill Village Dr. Monnat, Jeremy & Mirna 305 Meadows Lane Moore, Frances 331 Meadows Lane Moore, Frances K. 331 Meadows Lane Moreno, Manuel & Alejandra Cruz 345 Meadows Ln. Morgan, Marjorie 302 Meadows Lane Morrie, Erica & Ryan 209 Wild Flower Lane Muller, Neyla & Otavio Amorim 413 Sugar Maple Ct, Canton, GA, 30114 Myers, Phillip and Melissa 506 Kensington Park Drive Nealey, April & Jason 818 Yonah Drive Neely, Kathleen & David Gentile 306 meadows lane Neely, Jessica & Richard 402 Sureyya Dr Neese, Holly & Brandon Cothran 256 Oconee Way Noe, Scott Ilex Drive Odendahl, Rob & Carrie 314 Meadows Lane Olejnik, Bryant & Cesare 817 Yonah Drive Ollom, Nancy 505 Kensington Park Dr Olsson, Mike 413 Sureyya Drive Padgett, Grace & Bryan 504 Red Oak Ln Page, Michelle & Nicholas 114 Drury Lane Parente, Steven 307 Kaley Drive Parish, Leslie & Brooke 147 Ilex Drive Parker, Robbie 132 Holly Mill Village Dr Perez, Rick & Violet 308 Meadows Lane Perez, Violet & Rick 308 Meadows Lane Phiilips, Karen (BOD) 407 Sureyya Drive Pickering, Jennifer 257 Osmanthus Way Pickett, Bradley and Laurie 216 Wild Flower Lane Pintos, dana 207 wild flower lane Porter, Elton & Reca 213 Picadilly Place Porter, Reca & Elton 213 Picadilly Pl Price, Stephen 208 Ilex Dr Prikazchikov, Victor & Tatyana 341 Meadows Ln Prior, Kristin & Michael 411 Sureyya Drive Pruitt, Robin & Brian 249 Osmanthus way Rand, Jodi 113 Drury Lane Rand, Peter 115 Drury Lane Reed, Bryan & Lora Reed 320 Westminster Drive Renn, Michelle & Micheal 250 Occonee Way Richardson, Erin & Shane 218 Wild Flower Lane Riordan, Kevin & Katherine 140 Holly Mill Village Dr Rivera, Xiomara & Valentin Alejandre 214 Piccadilly Pl Roak, Christina & Andra Ellison 301 Meadows Lane Robinette, Daniel & Amberly 209 Piccadilly Place Rock, Lisa & Jason 211 Piccadilly Place Rodriguez , Alexis & Jonathan Fernandez 167 Holly Mill Village Dr Rokovitz, Bob & Bonnie 212 Piccadilly Place Ruffalo, Cory 325 Meadows Ln Ruiz, Isabel & Mario 117 iIex Drive Ruiz, Vany & Elmer 203 Osmanthus way Rush, Roxane 819 Yonah Drive Sadler, Devin & Chessa 217 Wild Flower ln Samuels, Herb & Amber 114 Drury Lane Seaborn, Michelle 110 Ilex Drive Seidel, Gina 201 Nacoochee Way Sinclair, Alan 502 kensington park dr canton Ga 30115 Sizemore, Heather 254 Oconee Way Slover, Karen R 106 Trafalgar Court Smith, Tearnie 129 Nacoochee Way Smith, Brian & Robin Weinman 202 Ilex Drive Smykun, Alex & Kaitlyn Baum 523 Kensington Park Drive Snyder, Lori & Randy 106 Ilex Drive Soucy, Justin & Meagan Vickery 161 Ilex Dr Southard, Jason 177 Nacoochee Way Spindler, Joe & Cyndi 106 Drury Lane Canton, Ga 30114 Steele, Robert 246 Occonee Way Stephens, Alexis & Kenny Stephens 193 Nacoochee Way Stephens, Stephanee & Ryan 216 Picadilly Place Stevenson, Debbie & Jennifer 345 Westminster Drive Streifthau, Braquel 130 Nacoochee Way Tallent, Raymond & Shelley Tallent 510 Kensington Park Dr Tatum, Nikki & Ricky Joseph 113 Drury Lane Taylor, Kelli 311 Meadows Ln. Teixeira, Robert 141 Holly Mill Village Dr. Temples, Jackie 221 Picadilly Place Thomas, Evan 171 Nacoochee Way Thomason, Amy & Chris 173 Holly Mill Village Drive Thomason, Christopher & Amy 173 Holly Mill Village Drive Trent, Garett 212 Wild Flower Lane Tubbs, Julie & Jeremy Tubbs 150 Ilex drive Upshaw, Amanda 268 oconee way Vassy, Kathy & Sam 538 Kensington Park Drive Veatch, Phyllis 302 Pieris Drive Velez, Carlos 503 Kensington Park Drive Velueta, Kathleen 142 Ilex Drive Von Essen, Molli 211 Wild Flower Lane Weinstiger, Janci 213 Wild Flower Lane Wells, Haylee & Danny 165 Holly Mill Village Drive Werner, Mary 349 Meadows Lane Wesley, Stephen & Inka 500 Red Oak Lane Whiddon, Elizabeth & Todd 102 Trafalgar Ct. White, Jacy 226 Oconee way White, Rhonda & Joe 210 Wild Flower Lane whitworth, Robert & Leah 123 Nacoochee Way Wilbanks, Chase 110 Nacoochee Way Williams, Teri 308 Pieris Drive Williams, Miriam 164 Ilex Drive Woods, Jack Meadows Lane Wise, William 161 Holly Mill Village Drive Zapata, Ulises & Giulianne 524 Kensington Park Drive =================================== Current Board Contact Info Julie Marie Holubetz, President 169 Holly Mill Village Drive Email: Phone: 770 720-7811 404 862 1877 Clint Colley, Treasurer Colley, Clint & Elizabeth 237 Osmanthus Way Julie Allen, Secretary 209 Osmanthus Way 678-580-7147 Frank Andriano, Director at Large 102 Drury Lane, 30114 770-546-5066, 770-544-7346 Karen Phillips 407 Sureyya Drive Canton, Ga 30114




BYLAWS of Holly Mill Community Association, Inc.


Holly Mill Handook

This Handbook is not available on the official Holly Mill site so it is published here FYI.  Other information about the rules are on the official site at:  

That site has the Holly Mill Covenants, Pool Rules, Residents Directory and other items.